FloorDesk - Admin
Customer relation ship management, Preparing Quotations, Quotation management, status management, Delivery notes, Invoices, Statistics, ...
It all starts with… FloorDesk Admin. FloorDesk Admin is the ‘glue’ between all modules and all data created by the FloorOffice software applications. FloorDesk Admin is based on MS®SQL database technology and is a bundle of several tools: Customer relation management, preparing quotations and quotation management,
workflow and status management, pricelist management, document management, stock management, delivery notes, invoicing, statistics, etc, etc… and the nice thing about FloorDesk Admin is that these databases are connected with all other modules for drawing, planning and handling. Customers that don’t want to input any data a second time made a choice for FloorDesk Admin! Avoid mistakes, gain time and give the information to your customer that he is expecting. All data available for all people in a few clicks…
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FloorDesk Yard- & LogisticsPlanner
Recently we launched two new modules specifically developed to make life easier for handling after production. As usual, we developed together with a manufacturer to get it first time right. The YardPlanner and LogisticsPlanner are reading data out of the same databases as used for the Cargo-, Bed-, Table- and CarrouselPlanner. The YardPlanner gives a graphical overview of the stacks and the place where they are stored on the stockyard. Clicking on the project tree gives an immediate overview on where the stacks for that particular project are stored. Easy to find and easy to plan the position for stacks that are coming out of production taking into account future planned deliveries. Our YardPlanner mobile app allows the operator for immediate control and registration of stack or element movement on the yard using LAN or WAN connections to the FloorDesk office server.
In close connection and directly linked with the LogisticsPlanner you can also manage all ‘extras’. Need a clamp? Need to deliver extra reinforcement? Exceptional transport? Provide a crane? Some extra wishes from the customer? Plan it, order it and communicate it with your logistics company by SMS and/or email tools! At the same time, keep your customer informed about the scheduled delivery and send automatic messages. Mark stacks as being delivered and get all information in FloorDesk Admin for automatic invoicing. Done! The YardPlanner can be extended with customized automatic tracking of stacks or individual prefab elements
making use of localization tags and hardware.
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FloorDesk LogisticsPlanner |
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FloorDesk YardPlanner |
AutoFloor - CargoPlanner
The FloorDesk CargoPlanner will be used in close connection with the AutoFloor application. Depending on how the process is organized within the company you can plan the cargoes/stacks before you go to production or after the production is done. When cargo planning is done before starting production planning, all information about the cargoes and stacks is available in the production planners. It can be very helpful when you have to stack after production is ready. Stacking and loading is as easy as drawing a path in the drawing. The CargoPlanner will do the rest! Taking into account maximum load capacity, load distribution and axle loads, planning the cargoes is child’s play and fully graphical… Some issues after automatic stacking? Click on the stack and reposition graphically by drag and drop. Just like drag and drop in Windows Explorer…
Stacking done? Generate the reports as you need them to load the trailers. Graphical with numbering and tables for a clear view in all situations. Share information about the cargoes as they will be delivered on the yard by activating the cargo planning view. A view on the drawing with colored infill per cargo and an automatically generated legend, only if you want this of course…
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Colored infill per cargo |
Filigree slabs stacked on trailer |
Stacklist |
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Hollowcore slabs stacked on trailer |
FloorOffice - Connect
Connecting can and will be done on different levels. i-Theses works in close partnership with a number of manufacturers for precast machinery.
Connecting can and will be done on different levels. FloorOffice can be integrated/ connected to your existing bookkeeping and/or ERP software system as long as this 3rd party software has an open interface available. Since all applications are developed in- house we can easily read and write data in all different formats and
we already have done a number of these integrations.
Covering the whole workflow means also connecting to production. Production in a way we exchange CAM data directly with your production machinery. All different formats can be generated like for example, but not limited to, UniTechnik, PXML, IFC, or more general any described binary XML, or ASCII format, etc… On a higher level
direct interfaces can be established using DLL interfaces, webservices, … i-Theses works in close partnership with a number of manufacturers for precast machinery. Our market leading partners are Echo Precast/Progress Group, CCL Spiroll, Nordimpianti, Ultra-Span and Thiso/Concore.
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FloorDesk - ProductionCalendar
Production is planned on the Bed, the Carrousel or the Tables. We are just a few clicks away to plan the production on the FloorDesk Calendar. Check for the productions to plan on the right date and drop them on the day you want to produce. Put your cursor on the information bar and have all information in a few words about the filled percentage of the bed, what jobs are planned on the bed, did we plan stock production on that bed, etc… The FloorDesk Calendar can be configured taking into account curing time needed per bed in a view to promised delivery. Colored presentation and warnings will help you to keep the global overview on your planning in time. Drag and drop to make adjustments. Open production details from here in order to further fill up production when the date comes near. Look up on which production dates a particular job will be taken care of. The complete set of production documents and data for the following day of production can be generated with one push on the button. The extension Capacity Planner will allow salespeople to estimate delivery dates based on just knowledge of square meters, or to make reservations on the planning even before the drawing has been detailed in Autofloor.